Sunday, November 14, 2010

Small Groups

The small groups are going very well, unfortunately with so many different activities going on at Leighton during recess time, some of the groups were not able to meet. Well I am now going to conduct small groups every week, until the 2nd week of December. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Cynthia Campbell Curry
School Counselor
(330) 954-2236

Positive Behavior Support Assembly

We want to say thank you to everyone who participated and assisted us at Leighton on Friday ,November 12th, 2010, for our 1st PBS reward assembly this was for all of our students who showed good citizenship.

Thank You! !

PBS committee


Counselor Corner:

Character Word This month is : Friendship

3rd grade- Guidance Lesson is on Friendship

Getting along with others!

How to be a Good Friend:

4th grade- Guidance Lesson is on Responsibility

What types of responsibility they have either at home or at school.

Being responsbible at school: ( when they need to bring home their work, papers, and planner etc.

5th Grade- Guidance lesson is on Responsibility/ Friendship/

Making the right decision regarding our friends.

Discuss excuses.

Each month will be providing guidance lessons in all of the grades discussing our character traits, as well as conducting various activities.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Character Trait of the month:

Character Trait of the month:

Responsbility: October

Taking responsiblity of your own actions.

Making sure that you are able to follow the rules.

Honesty: November

Telling the truth.

Hello All Parents:

Coffee, Cookies, and Conversations with the Counselors (C4) Meeting Reminder:

When: Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Time: 9:15am.

Where: Leighton Cafetaria

Topic: Homework. Organization/ Time Managment

Please come and join us during this time! We look forward to meeting you there!

You can contact Cynthia Campbell Curry at Leighton or Tami Mazzella at Miller and Craddock.

The attendance form Must be received no later than December 8th in order to properly prepare for the meeting.


Hello Everyone:

I wanted to apoligize for not having my small groups on a regular basis due to a family crisis, but everyone is doing so much better. During this time would like to say a thank you to all of Aurora, for their kindness, and generosity, to my family.

Upcoming events in counselor corner:

Small groups will be returning this coming Wednesday November 10th, 2010!

Monday, October 4, 2010

OAA test ( Ohio Achievement Assessment Test

3rd graders only:

Tomorrow is testing time again, this is for 3rd graders only in Reading. These are the steps you need to take to get your child ready for the day.

Get plenty of rest:

Eat a nice balanced breakfast:

To have a great day!

Small Groups

Small Groups at Leighton will be starting next weeek, if you have not signed your child up for any groups, please do so today.
Some of the small goups this fall will be:
Friendship group- difficulty making, and maintaining friendships

Stop the Bullying group- practice helping making right choices with our friends

Girl Power Group- girls improving self-confidence

Anger Management- dealing and managing angry feelings in a more positive way

Parents-Divorced/Separated- talking about how they are feeling with changes in their family.

Please sign-up, small groups will begin on Monday October 11th.

Small Groups: will be meeting every other week on designated days. Groups will take place during lunch or recess time, on Mon-Thurs. or designated times by the teacher.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me Mrs. Cynthia Campbell Curry at (330) 954-2236.

Character Trait of the month:


What is Responsiblilty?

Responsibility is accepting the results of your own actions.

To be responsible is following the class rules.

Come one, Come All, Come Enjoy!

Coffee, Cookies and Conversations with the Counselors (C4) will be meeting for the first time this year on Wednesday,October 27th at Leighton. The topic for the 1st first time this year is on Wednesday, October 27th at Leighton. The topic for the first meeting is anxiety in the Leighton Cafetaria at promplly 9:15am.

Please watch your school's newsletter in the next couple of weeks for a form to R.S.V.P. on for the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Campbell Curry (330)954-2236 or Tami Mazzella at (330) 954-2260.

These meetings are made possible by a grant from the Ohio School Counselor Association.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August and September Character Trait

Respect means to think well of, to honor, to care about, or have a good opinion of. Lets give examples of how we show respect for ourselves and others?

Quote: " Mutual respect begins by valuing oneself"

Welcome Back!

Hello Everyone:
I just wanted to first introduce myself as Mrs. Cynthia Campbell Curry, and I am the school counselor of Leighton Elementary School.
I have two children: Michael is a sophomore in Education at University of Toledo, and my daughter Cameron is a graduate student at University of Toledo, she is majoring in Law and Communication.

Please feel free to stop by my office anytime!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Here are some examples of bullying.
Have you ever experienced any of these?
If so, please comment.

Produced By: 4th Grade Bully Club

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Counselor's Corner

OAT ( Ohio Achievement Assessment Test) is coming this month:
April 27th-April 29th, 2010
Parents Please try these standardized test secrets with your chidren:
1. Be confident
2. Prepared
3. Relaxed
4. Well Rested.

Some tips that your student can use on test-taking day:

Having a good breakfast:

Relax muscles:

Positive thinking:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Upcoming Events:

Ohio Achievemnent Tests: April 26th- April 29th, 2010.

Brochures are in counselor's office from the University of Akron: Reading Skills and Speed Reading Programs for Children and Adults during the summer. If you need more information or to register you can call: 1-800-978-9596.
I hope all of you will have a wonderful and safe Spring break and blessed Easter!

What does a Counselor Do?

School Counselor are committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents as they relate to career awareness and development.

School Counselors help parents focus on ways to further the educational, personal, and social growth of their children.

School Counselors works very closely with teachers and other educators to help students explore their potential and set realistic goals for themselves.

School Counselors help identify and work with community resources to help students and their families.

Lastly, a school counselor does not discipline children at all, but tries to problem solve with the students to come up with a solution to the problem.

That is just some things of what a school counselor does.

Small Groups

Once again the primary purpose of small group counseling is for student to express difficulties they may have in dealing with relationships, personal concerns, communicating with others, or any issues they may be experiencing.
These groups again are offered to all students every other week on Tuesday or Thursday during lunch or recess time.
The groups are:
Girl Power Group
Social Skills
Anger Managment
Anxiety Group
Test-Taking Strategies( will be offered two weeks before the Ohio Achievement Tests)

Counselor's Corner

I want to thank everyone again who participated in the 1st annual Leukemia/Lymphoma Society's Youth Program at Leighton Schools during the week of February 23rd-February 26th, 2010. The total amount collected was $650.00, and that was only for three days. Congratulations to all!
The top class winners who collected the most money in each grade were:
3rd Grade- Sabatino
4th Grade- Parker
5th Grade- Samelko

These classrooms will receive a pizza party!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Character Trait:

H- have respect for yourself and others.

O- Our actions and words reflect who we are.

N- Never stoop to an easy falsehood.

E- Expect and give honesty. Be a good example.

S- Standing up for truth is courageous and ontagious.

T- Truth is the right thing to do. Always be trustworthy.

Y- You can do it.

Thanks to Everyone!

I want to thank everyone who participated in our coin collecting for the Leukemia/Lumphoma Society's School and Youth Program. The school collected in only three days $650.00 total. That was fantastic!

Congratulations to everyone, and too the top 3 classrooms that collected the most money.

3rd Grade: Sabatino

4th Grade: Parker

5th Grade: Samelko

Each of these classrooms will receive a pizza party for collecting the most money.

Thanks Again!

Small Groups

Small groups have started since Feb. 2010. Groups meet every other Tuesday or Thursday during lunch or at recess time.

Groups are:

Girl Power Group ( for all grade levels)

Anger Management

Anxiety Groups

Social Skills

Self-Esteem Groups

Test-Taking Strategies ( will be offered during April)

Counselor March Newsletter

Wanted to let you know that the students in Mrs. Gareau/Mrs. Pelka's class are starting a bully club. They had an exciting meeting last Wednesday, March 17th, 2010during lunchtime to discuss bullying.
First guest speaker was Officer Don Johnson, who discussed ways for them to handle bullying issues. They have started posting bullying signs so the students can show ways of how to stop the bullying.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Counselor's Corner

Wanted to let you know that the students in Mrs. Gareau/ Pelka's class are starting a bully club. This is very exciting, and they can't wait to begin.
Meeting will start on Wednesday's during their recess time . So please take notice of all of the bully signs that they have created by the 4th grade hallway.

Super Job!
Other small groups:

Social Skills group

Anxiety group:
  • working on various relaxation techniques

Meeting times:

  • March 4th, 2010
  • March 18th
  • April 1st
  • April 15th
  • May 6th
  • May 20th

Self-Esteem Group:

  • Focus on helping children identify ways in which they are likeable and capable.
  • Meeting times- same as the anxiety group

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at ( 330) 954-2236. I will be providing you with progress by our third session. Thanks, Cynthia

Counselor Corner

March Activities:
Small groups started the last week of February and will meet every other week:
Girl Power Group ( 3rd Grade , 4th and 5th grade)
  • The group is about power, leadership, and having confidence within themselves not through their friends.
  • Activities throughout each session.

Meeting times: ( groups with same schedule will be Girl Power Group, and Social Skills)

  • March 2nd, 2010
  • March 16th
  • April 6th
  • April 20th
  • May 4th
  • May 18th - last session

Leighton School Counselor Corner

I want to thank everyone for collecting coins on behalf of the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society's School and Youth Program. The school collected $650.00 total, in just 4 days. That was fantastic!
Congratulations to the following classrooms who will receive a pizza party for collecting the most money.
3rd Grade- Sabatino
4th Grade- Parker
5th Grade- Samelko

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Golden Rule!

" If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Character Trait: Perseverance

ABC's of Perseverance
Avoid negative sources, people,things and habits
Believe in yourself
Consider things from every angle
Don't give up and don't give in.
Enjoy life today.
Family and friends are hidden treasures
Give more than you planned to
Hang on to your dreams
Ignore those who discourage you
Just do it
Keep trying
Love yourself
Make it happen
Never lie, cheat or steal
Open your eyes
Practice makes perfect
Quitters never win
Stop procrastinating
Take control
Understand yourself
Visualize it
Want it more than anything
XAccelerate your efforst
You are unique
Zero in on your target

February Character Education:

Did you know that February is:

National School Counseling week ( Feb. 1st-Feb. 5th)

African American History Month

Character Education Month

Leukemia/Lymphoma Awareness ( Week of Feb. 23rd-Feb. 26th)

Counselor's Corner

Small groups are now winding down, and new groups will be starting up:

New groups starting in a couple of weeks will be:

Anger Management

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Counselor Newsletter

February Classroom Activities:
During this month I will still be discussing bullying with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
  • Third graders lessons, we discussed what the word bully means , and we talked about the four different types of bullies. The students viewed a video called " Don't Laugh At Me" .
  • Fourth grade lessons, discussed the four types of bullies which are physical, indirect, verbal, and cyberbully. Each student was given a survey to take about if they were ever a bully or have been a bully.
  • Fifth grade lessons, discussed the four types of bullies and viewed the video " Don't Laugh At Me".
  • All classes will be creating a No Bullying Contract !

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resources available to parents:

Stop Bullying Now series-

Ohio Department of Education- bullying prevention
During the month of January:

Small groups will be starting back next week during January 12th during lunch times on Tuesday and Thursday.

Counselor's Corner

The students at Leighton school will continue to have classroom lessons on bullying.

Some important facts that they have learned is what does the word bully mean, the four different types of bullies, and what they need to do if someone is bullying them or if they see one of their friends being bullied.

The third grade lesson, we worked on what types of bullies there are, and shared examples of what it means to be bullied or to bully others.
During the fourth and fifth grade lesson, we worked on the four different types of bullies, as well as viewing a video clip Don't Laugh at Me. They all completed a survey on bullies.

All classes will work on implementing a No Stop Bullying Contract.

Happy New Year Everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone for helping our families in Aurora with all of the donations that were provided to them during the holiday season. I want to especially thank the Girls Scouts for the wonderful baskets you provided that were filled with wonderful goodies and turkeys.

I hope everyone had a blessed and glorious holiday season!