Monday, October 4, 2010

OAA test ( Ohio Achievement Assessment Test

3rd graders only:

Tomorrow is testing time again, this is for 3rd graders only in Reading. These are the steps you need to take to get your child ready for the day.

Get plenty of rest:

Eat a nice balanced breakfast:

To have a great day!

Small Groups

Small Groups at Leighton will be starting next weeek, if you have not signed your child up for any groups, please do so today.
Some of the small goups this fall will be:
Friendship group- difficulty making, and maintaining friendships

Stop the Bullying group- practice helping making right choices with our friends

Girl Power Group- girls improving self-confidence

Anger Management- dealing and managing angry feelings in a more positive way

Parents-Divorced/Separated- talking about how they are feeling with changes in their family.

Please sign-up, small groups will begin on Monday October 11th.

Small Groups: will be meeting every other week on designated days. Groups will take place during lunch or recess time, on Mon-Thurs. or designated times by the teacher.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me Mrs. Cynthia Campbell Curry at (330) 954-2236.

Character Trait of the month:


What is Responsiblilty?

Responsibility is accepting the results of your own actions.

To be responsible is following the class rules.

Come one, Come All, Come Enjoy!

Coffee, Cookies and Conversations with the Counselors (C4) will be meeting for the first time this year on Wednesday,October 27th at Leighton. The topic for the 1st first time this year is on Wednesday, October 27th at Leighton. The topic for the first meeting is anxiety in the Leighton Cafetaria at promplly 9:15am.

Please watch your school's newsletter in the next couple of weeks for a form to R.S.V.P. on for the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Campbell Curry (330)954-2236 or Tami Mazzella at (330) 954-2260.

These meetings are made possible by a grant from the Ohio School Counselor Association.