Sunday, November 6, 2011

Character Trait of November

Our Character Trait for this month in November is Trust:

Guidance Lesson: Grades 3-5- Talk about Trust

1. Will be discussing things about why trust is important:

2. Keeping our on promises

3. Learning that " trust" must be earned and cannot be developed overnight.


Hello Everyone:

We are having our First Positive Behavior Support Assembly on Friday November 11th, 2011 in the afternoon from 2:00-3:15, if you are able to come and watch us, please do.

PBS Committee


Hello Everyone:

Hope you have not cleaned out your closets yet, we are in need of some boys and girls pants in various sizes, shirts, and socks. The counselor and nurse would appreciate them very much, if you do have some extras, please drop them off at my office.
Mrs. Curry

Small Groups:

Hello Everyone:
I wanted to say that I am sorry that I have not been able to conduct my small groups every other week, due to me having a family emergency which kept me away from Leighton for awhile. Just to let you know this week when students return on Wednesday small groups will be returning again.

Cynthia Campbell Curry