Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resources available to parents:

Stop Bullying Now series-

Ohio Department of Education- bullying prevention
During the month of January:

Small groups will be starting back next week during January 12th during lunch times on Tuesday and Thursday.

Counselor's Corner

The students at Leighton school will continue to have classroom lessons on bullying.

Some important facts that they have learned is what does the word bully mean, the four different types of bullies, and what they need to do if someone is bullying them or if they see one of their friends being bullied.

The third grade lesson, we worked on what types of bullies there are, and shared examples of what it means to be bullied or to bully others.
During the fourth and fifth grade lesson, we worked on the four different types of bullies, as well as viewing a video clip Don't Laugh at Me. They all completed a survey on bullies.

All classes will work on implementing a No Stop Bullying Contract.

Happy New Year Everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone for helping our families in Aurora with all of the donations that were provided to them during the holiday season. I want to especially thank the Girls Scouts for the wonderful baskets you provided that were filled with wonderful goodies and turkeys.

I hope everyone had a blessed and glorious holiday season!