Sunday, November 6, 2011

Character Trait of November

Our Character Trait for this month in November is Trust:

Guidance Lesson: Grades 3-5- Talk about Trust

1. Will be discussing things about why trust is important:

2. Keeping our on promises

3. Learning that " trust" must be earned and cannot be developed overnight.


Hello Everyone:

We are having our First Positive Behavior Support Assembly on Friday November 11th, 2011 in the afternoon from 2:00-3:15, if you are able to come and watch us, please do.

PBS Committee


Hello Everyone:

Hope you have not cleaned out your closets yet, we are in need of some boys and girls pants in various sizes, shirts, and socks. The counselor and nurse would appreciate them very much, if you do have some extras, please drop them off at my office.
Mrs. Curry

Small Groups:

Hello Everyone:
I wanted to say that I am sorry that I have not been able to conduct my small groups every other week, due to me having a family emergency which kept me away from Leighton for awhile. Just to let you know this week when students return on Wednesday small groups will be returning again.

Cynthia Campbell Curry

Sunday, September 25, 2011


During the month of October:

Will be starting guidance lesson on bullying:

Ways to use the Safe Strategies:

S= Stop

A= Avoid the Situation

F= Find an Adult

E= Express your feelings

Ohio Assessment Achievement Test

Here are some study strategies:

1. Study difficult or boring subjects first.

2. Be aware of the best time to study.

3. Use a regular study area.

4. Avoid noise distractions.

5. Avoid talking on the phone.

Counselor Corner

It is almost that time when our small groups will be staring during the second week of October every other Tuesday or Thursday. If you have not signed your son or daughter up, please do so.

Some of the small groups will consist of:

Girl Power Group: ( Self-Esteem Group for girl)
Awareness of themselves
Discusses about cliques
Getting to know who they are

Students will work together with other students in their designated grade level
Create a business that they will design

Friendship group:
Better understand themselves in relation to their peers
learn what it means to be a friend

Changing Families ( Divorce/Separated)
Realize that they are not alone
Discuss their feelings in a supportive and understanding way

Working on ways to use a stop and think approach
Ways for them to focus in the classroom in a more effective way

Each of these groups will provide various activities throughout the 5-6 week sessions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me anytime.

Cynthia Campbell Curry
School Counselor

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


If your student(s) have not returned their PBS( Positive Behavior Support ) paper, please have them returned them to school on Monday September 19th, 2011.

Parent Assessment will be coming home on Friday, please complete the form and return it back to school on Monday September 19th, as well.

I know that our 3rd graders have not taken a state test yet, but they will have their first Ohio Achievement Assessment test during the week of October 3rd, will take the test on Tuesday October 4th, 2011.


Counselor Corner:

Just wanted to let you know that this fall I have an intern working with me, and her name is Ms. P, she is an intern from Kent State University.

My intentions are...
To provide information to all students pertaining to character education, bullying, and tolerance ( accepting others for who they are). The classroom lessons will begin soon, so please ask your student(s) what we talked about, and what they learned from the lessons. I am planning soon to offer small groups to students soon, like friendship, changing families, girl power group, new comers group just to name a few.

If you have any questions or concerns, please either email me at ccurry@aurora-org. or calll me at ( 330) 954-2043.

What do School Counselors Do:

We help our students develop success towards themselves, family and their community.

We help students understand their own unique qualities in order for them to
grow both personally and socially.

We work very collaboratively with parents and teachers.

Some of the programs that are offered at Leighton are: friendship,changing families, character education, bullying, careers, tolerance, small group, and individual counseling.

Small groups topics are offered: girl power group, grief, anger management, anxiety, or any other area that your child may need some support in.


Hello Everyone:

It has been a great start of the new year!

Counselor Corner:

Just want to share a few things about me:

My name is Cynthia Campbell Curry. I am your school counselor here at leighton elementary school, this is my 3rd year here at Leighton. I have a Masters Degree in School Counseling ( K-12) from Malone University,in Canton Ohio. My undergraduate degree is in psychology and social work from Capital University. If I have not met you, please do find the time to just come in my office to say hi.

Monday, April 18, 2011

OAA tests:

Test Taking Tips:

Please make sure that your child eats breakfast.

Have your child get a good night sleep.

Please have them come to school on time, because the OAA tests will start promptly at 9:15am.

Just relax.

Ohio Achievement Tests

OAA are coming soon!

Ohio Achievement Tests will be coming on Tuesday May 3rd, Wednesday May 4th, and Thursday May 5th, 2011.

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade- Reading

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade- Math

5th grade- Science

Please make sure that your chidren are here duing that week!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guidance Lesson

Have been conducting setting goal lessons in all of the grade levels:

( March - April)

3rd- What do you like to do?

4th - Goals:
What are goals?
What do they want to be?
How do they get there?

5th - What are goals?
Choose one area that they would like to achieve from now until the end of the year.

Leukemia / Lymphoma

Bring your coins in this week for Pennies for Patients: ( March 22nd- March 25th)

Leukemia/ Lymphoma Society:

1 classroom in each grade level who brought in the most coins this week will receive a ice cream party.

For .25$ you can have a chance to hit a pie in Mrs. Lambacher's face for The Leukemia/Lymphoma Society.

Spring Break

I want everyone to have a wonderful and safe spring break.

When you come back will be starting the following small groups if you are interested, please let me know.

Anxiety group

Divorce/Separated group

Girl Power Group

Please call me if you want to have more information about my small groups. The groups are held every other week on Tuesday or Thursday.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Small Groups

Small Groups:

Will be starting the week of January 10th every other week :

Girl Power Group


Anger Management

Counselor Corner

Guidance Lessons have started this month on Bullying:

Grade 3:
Bullying as well as writing a Bully Pledge

Grade 4:
Bullying/ Being a Bystander

Grade 5:

Bullying/ Choices we make


I want to thank the Girl Scouts of Aurora who helped our families here at Leighton with all 22 baskets that you provided wonderful goodies with. Would like to thank the Leighton Staff who helped 24 children at Leighton with some wonderful gifts.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Character Word of the Month:

Keys to Honesty:
Being honest shows others your good character
Being truthful builds your own self-respect
Honesty helps others respect you more.
Honesty is for everyone.
Being honest is easy If the truth is told the First time.
YOu can be trusted when you are honest.

Welcome Back !

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday break!